Chad, Shanna & Ethan

Chad, Shanna & Ethan

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ethan's Lack of Sleeping

So lately Ethan has not been sleeping very well, which means we are not sleeping very well. We are still trying to determine the cause (if there is one). We are thinking he is just spoiled, which means we have to break him of this very soon if that is the case. He has been fighting to go to sleep when I try to rock him, he wiggles around like he can't get comfortable, so I'm thinking okay he is past the point of wanting to be rocked. I tried just laying him in bed after giving him milk and reading a book, but that doesn't work. I also tried rocking him until he is asleep, but the minute I go to lay him down in his crib he starts crying. He is also waking up in the middle of the night and staying up for 2 to 3 hours at a time. We've tried everything to get him back to sleep, but he just won't go back to sleep until he is ready; however he does go back to sleep if I rock him for a while, but again he cries when I go to lay him down. So, as you can imagine we are extremely frustrated with the situation at this point. I have let him cry it out the past 2 nights, but he is still just not getting it. We do know he is teething, so we prepared for that (gave tylenol, orajel, etc) in case that is way he is waking up, but still nothing is working.

He never got attached to a security object (except for me), but I sure wish he had because some of my friends children have a blanky or a bear that they sleep with and it helps them sleep. I've tried introducing those things, but he just doesn't take to them. So, here we are with a 15 month old that still is not sleeping through the night. I sure do love my baby boy, but Momma needs some sleep. 15 months off interrupted sleep is really starting to have a ware me out. I broke down today and cried because it makes me feel like a horrible mother when I've tried everything (even tough love) and still can't manage to get him to go to sleep and sleep peacefully. I know I shouldn't feel like that, but I just do. So if there are any moms out there that have any suggestions, please please pass them along. I am desperate for help!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Shanna, you know we have had our sleep trouble, thats for sure. She is just now starting to sleep through the night every night. But some nights, she would rather play than go to sleep so I just have to put her in the bed and let her cry. We did all of this back on Labor Day and it took her a good week to adjust. It is heartbreaking to listen to them scream and say MAMA !!!! I hate it but its for your own good and his because mommy has to have sleep to take care of baby properly. And yes Ava Claire does have a silky but we also don't EVER put toys in her crib so that she associates the crib with sleep and naptime. Now, I lay her down she may whine for 2 or 3 minutes, but she has learned to soothe herself and that when its crib time, its sleep time. I'm definitely no expert but this is what is working for us. Maybe try a silky blanket? Is he napping during the day? I also stopped bathing her right before bed because she plays in the tub and doesn't associate bath time with soothing or withsleeping, I usually bathe her early in the day or in the late evening before dinner. Just a few things I've tried.

  3. Sleep disorders are quite common with children of this age,,,you must go and see a doctor to consult what ways to adapt for sleep to happen to the child.EMR
